There’s something going on between Michael Cohen and Omarosa, and it can’t be good for Donald Trump
If politics makes strange bedfellows, then the rapidly unraveling Donald Trump regime is prompting some of his own underlings to swiftly change their own allegiances, both when it comes to Trump and to each other. Earlier this month Michael Cohen made a point of disputing a claim that Omarosa made in her new anti-Trump book. But now that Cohen has cut a plea deal, he and Omarosa appear to have suddenly become best buds. That can’t be good for Trump.
Five days ago, as Michael Cohen was pleading guilty and naming Donald Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator, his attorney Lanny Davis posted a tweet that said “Michael Cohen has decided to tell the truth about DonaldTrump and put his country first.” On Sunday, Omarosa quoted this tweet, while adding her own emoji of hands in prayer, suggesting that she was praying Cohen would spill the beans on Trump. On Sunday, Cohen finally responded to Omarosa.
Early on Sunday morning, Michael Cohen retweeted Omarosa’s tweet, and then sent this publicly visible reply to her: “Thank you OMAROSA. See you in New York soon.” Wait, what does that mean? Are they just generically talking about getting together sometime to reminisce, or do they have a meeting planned together? We have no way of knowing. Somewhere in all this, Lanny Davis deleted his original tweet for unknown reasons, leaving the words “This Tweet is unavailable” where Omarosa had quoted his tweet.
So what does all this mean? In terms of specifics, we don’t know. Michael Cohen has to be careful right now, because he has yet to be sentenced for the eight felonies he just pleaded guilty to, and everything he says and does can be taken into account during sentencing. So we doubt Cohen is doing anything that prosecutors wouldn’t want him to do. But in general terms, when two of Donald Trump’s former underlings – both of whom have recently turned sharply against him – are now acting like best buds for all to see, that’s not good news for Trump at all.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report