Oh so NOW John Roberts wants to do something about Donald Trump

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Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts handed the presidency to Donald Trump on a silver platter when he and his cohorts spent months sitting on Trump’s criminal trial appeal and then ruled that Trump was immune from many of the crimes he committed. Now that Trump is back in power (and back to abusing power), Roberts has suddenly decided he doesn’t like it. Oops.

Trump keeps losing one federal court ruling after another, mainly because his actions are both illegal and insane. Trump doesn’t like this, so now he and his criminal co-conspirators like Elon Musk are calling for various federal judges to be impeached. It’s important to understand there is literally zero chance these judges will be removed, because that would require a two-thirds Senate vote. But Trump’s mere threat to impeach any judge who rules against him is nonetheless jarring.

Now John Roberts has belatedly decided that he doesn’t like Trump’s attempt at becoming king. Roberts has publicly condemned Trump’s talk of impeaching judges over their rulings. Roberts is instead insisting that the appeals process is the proper response to any ruling that Trump doesn’t like.

Of course what Roberts is saying is that he wants to be king, not Trump, because any Trump appeal will ultimately run through Roberts’ Supreme Court. It’s important to remember that this has all been one long power grab by Roberts. When he and his Supreme Court ruled that Presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts, Roberts ensured that the the Supreme Court will always get to decide what is or isn’t an official act. Now Roberts is still insisting he’s in charge. We’ll see if Roberts can control the monster he’s created.

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