Oh good, the very stable genius is back

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Donald Trump has descended even further into narcissistic madness. (I bet you didn’t think it could happen, did you?) Well — it did. Now he’s claiming he’s a person of extraordinary genius and won the debate. Speaking out on Non- truth social, Donald Trump falsely claimed that ABC is are under investigation. Of course, they are not. Why would they be? They haven’t done anything wrong.

That little fact, however, did not stop Donald Trump from boasting about it. Then there is the debate itself. Trump spoke at length about his own intelligence and what a damn gifted genius he really is. He claimed to be ahead in the polls and then cited one Republican-leaning poll.

Then Donald Trump accused Lindsey Davis and David Muir, the two moderators for this fantastic debate, of being mentally challenged, whined about how the debate was three against one and said that his brilliant genius made a real difference in the outcome.

Do you want to know how I feel when I hear these kinds of things? Revulsion? Yes. I feel utter and complete revulsion at this damaged old man;this human pimple, this sore who aches with malcontent, this narcissistic bastard, who would French kiss himself if he could.(Sorry for the disgusting visuals but the truth must be told.)

Yet all of this tells us something. It tells us that Trump continues to spiral downward. It tells us his insanity is as rippling as ever, and it tells us that he will lose the 2024 presidential election.

Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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