Oh good, Donald Trump is holding a press conference

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After Donald Trump was found guilty on thirty-four felony counts, he lumbered over to reporters outside the courtroom and mumbled words like “rigged” and “disgrace” in no particular order. It was a weak and confused showing for a man who just became a convicted felon, but wants us to somehow believe that he has enough fight left in him to be a candidate for office.

Now Trump has announced that he’s holding a press conference tomorrow morning at 11am eastern time. This is great. Trump will go out there with talking points in hand, but he’ll quickly get confused and start talking total nonsense. This will come at a time when regular Americans are getting word that Trump is now a felon, and will be interested to see what he has to say about it. They’ll be treated to a senile Trump who looks like he died weeks ago and no one had the heart to tell him.

The biggest danger for us right now will be if Donald Trump disappears for awhile and the media lets him get away with disappearing, because that would keep his deteriorating condition out of the spotlight. The best case scenario for us right now is if Trump keeps insisting on putting himself out there, so the general public can see that he comes off as fully senile and nearly deceased.

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