Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown after his impeachment becomes official

Whenever Donald Trump’s babysitters are expecting him to have a particularly bad day, they schedule a campaign rally for that night, so he can cheer himself up by giving an incoherent and maniacal speech to a crowd of bottom feeding idiots who will cheer his every misspoken word. Today was the mother of all bad days for Trump, and sure enough, he used his rally in Michigan tonight to go berserk accordingly.
The House ratified two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump this evening, meaning that he has in fact officially been impeached. It’s in the books now. He gets the asterisk that no president has ever wanted, few have ever faced, and none (but Bill Clinton) have ever managed to overcome in the history books.
Donald Trump has spent all week telegraphing that he’s particularly afraid of impeachment. There was his deranged letter to Nancy Pelosi. There was his “say a prayer” tweet this morning. There was his all-caps meltdown this afternoon. But tonight’s speech was the icing on the cake. Trump used his speech to go completely berserk. He attacked everyone involved in the current House impeachment process. Then he showed us just what a punk he is when he viciously attacked the late Democratic Congressman John Dingell, on Dingell’s home turf in Michigan.
That’s just plain stupid. Sure, Donald Trump’s idiot base cheered him as he trashed John Dingell during the rally. But Dingell is a local legend in Michigan. By atttacking him, Trump is turning off the swing voters that he needs in order to have any chance in 2020. Now that Trump has been impeached, he’s going to go even more berserk. We all need to be more vigilant than ever. But tonight was a reminder that much of the damage Trump is about to do, he’ll do to himself.