Donald Trump’s obsession with President Obama just catastrophically blew up in his face

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Donald Trump’s best bet for reelection would be to ignore the far more popular Barack Obama entirely, limp along with his own weak approval rating, try to avoid making his existing scandals even worse, and hope he gets lucky in the end. Unfortunately for Trump, his profoundly broken mind is incapable of seeing things that way.

To that end, Trump keeps putting down more and more chips on an imaginary “Obamagate” scandal that even he can’t figure out how to define. Trump made it even worse today by declassifying a Susan Rice email which makes clear that President Obama and his entire administration handled the Michael Flynn case properly. Now it turns out it’s even worse for Trump.

Vanity Fair is quoting members of Donald Trump’s inner circle who think that Trump’s obsession with Obama is backfiring on him, because Obama’s popularity level isn’t going to drop no matter how much time Trump spends attacking him. Moreover, Trump’s allies are so worried about the mistake he’s making, they’re talking to the media about it in the hope of getting the message across to Trump.

Yet Donald Trump seems to be singularly obsessed with proving that he’s better and more popular than President Obama, it seems doubtful that any of his own people can convince him not to go down this road, no matter how much it might end up hurting Trump in the end. As Obama once famously said, “please proceed.”

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