Any more of this and President Obama is going to have to step in

Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders told the TV cameras that he had no interest in engaging in personal attacks on Joe Biden. That was cute, but anyone who’s closely followed Sanders’ past campaign tactics knew that he didn’t really mean it. Sure, Bernie would keep himself above the fray, but he’d send his official campaign surrogates out there to spread as many insults, rumors, and lies about Biden as possible.
Sure enough, this week we’ve seen Bernie Sanders surrogates ranging from Nina Turner to David Sirota to Rashida Tlaib out there smearing Joe Biden. Yes, there are some Sanders surrogates such as Robert Reich who are urging fans on both sides of the Biden-Sanders divide to go easy on the other side. But Reich is ignoring the fact that most of the Bernie campaign is out there trying to stir up as much mud as possible.
This can’t continue. Sanders and his campaign pulled this same crap in 2016, once he started falling way behind Hillary Clinton, and look where it got us. As Elizabeth Warren said this week on MSNBC, the Bernie cult’s divisive antics helped give us Donald Trump in 2016, and we’re in danger of it happening again.
It’s fairly clear at this point that Elizabeth Warren would rather have a decent human being like Joe Biden as president, than a toxic stooge like Bernie Sanders. We also all know that President Obama would rather have Biden than Sanders. They’re waiting to roll out their Biden endorsements until after he’s already the de facto nominee. But with Sanders now trying to burn Biden to the ground, how much longer can we wait?
Obama and Warren should call up Bernie Sanders right now and tell him that if he doesn’t call off the dogs, they’ll call a joint press conference and endorse Joe Biden first thing Monday morning. Enough is enough. We can’t allow Sanders’ ego and bitterness to give us another four years of Trump.