Donald Trump goes nuclear

By now you’ve probably heard the joke going around social media today about how Donald Trump is so ignorant and stupid, he wanted to drop a nuclear bomb on a hurricane because he thought it would make the hurricane go away. The trouble: it’s not a joke. Well, it is, but it actually happened.
This story isn’t merely some internet punchline based on a funny tweet. This story is coming from respected political outlet Axios, which has routinely proven that it has insider access at the highest levels of the White House. So when Axios reported today that Donald Trump really did ask a briefer if he could just nuke hurricanes as they come off the coast of Africa, that means it really did happen.
Here’s what stands out to us. This didn’t just happen now. Axios says that Donald Trump has raised this question with multiple briefers, over what appears to be the entire length of his presidency. Yet it’s just now finally leaking – which tells us that someone on the inside has finally decided that now is the time to sound the alarm about Trump being every bit as dangerously stupid as the public thinks.
Meanwhile, even as Donald Trump was supposed to be paying attention today while he was representing the United States at the G7 summit, he instead spent the day going on and on about the likes of Regis Philbin and Sean Connery. It’s not a stretch at all to picture Trump thinking that he could simply nuke a hurricane out of existence.