No wonder the Republicans are panicking

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As the midterms approach, Republicans are scrambling because they have no strategy. Instead of inundating us with their spectacular policy ideas, they want to denigrate the other party. The problem for them is that President Joe Biden is the other party, and he is not looking like a good scapegoat. Because Biden is doing so well, Politico reported that Republicans are planning to put together photographs of the senatorial candidates they want to unseat with—wait for it—photos of Nancy Pelosi. Ed Rogers, a Republican strategist/lobbyist, said that “Biden is not a good bad guy.” Rogers said President Obama came across as “a haughty professor,” but that “Uncle Joe” is going to be hard to paint in a negative light. If Republicans would only come up with something benefitting the American people, they would not have to go to these lengths, but this is all they have.

The seats Republicans are targeting currently belong to Raphael Warnock (GA), Mark Kelly (AZ), Maggie Hassan (NH), and Catherine Cortez Mato (NV). If, however, Democrats continue to pass legislation that benefits the masses, the Republicans are in for a rough ride. Their only chance is hoping the economy tanks, which is a horrible wish for them to have, but we must remember that Republicans care only about power, not the people. They were extremely happy with the April jobs report, which revealed fewer added jobs than economists hoped. Big deal. Janet Yellen explained the report.

According to the New York Times, Yellen reminded us that we knew the recovery road would be long and hard. The Guardian reported that Yellen predicted that the U.S. will reach full employment next year despite that report. Biden also took advantage of that opportunity, the Guardian reported, to emphasize how much we need his infrastructure plan, which includes the American Jobs Plan, further pointing out that we lost 22 million jobs to the pandemic. It will take some time to recoup that number of jobs, and many people are taking the opportunity to do something different instead of going back to their poverty-level jobs. The Washington Post reported on this phenomenon earlier this month. Until schools are back open, many parents have nowhere to leave their children while they work. In other cases, waiters and other restaurant employees are not ready to go back into crowded environments where half of the people may not be vaccinated. Republicans can try to spin this all they like, but the truth is people are tired of being exploited by low wages, unaffordable childcare, and people who care less about them other than as it impacts their bottom line. None of this is going to help Republicans. In fact, it will hurt them.

Republicans are not very bright. It is easy to see what people want and need, yet they continue with their campaign of fear. They plan to campaign on defunding the police, socialism, and “cancel culture,” most of which means nothing to the average person out here trying to survive. Go for it, Republicans, and good luck with that.

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