No prize heifer

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There are some things in life one cannot hide. Losing one’s mind is most certainly one of those things. Donald Trump’s cognitive issues have become much worse. Every time he speaks, he sets his reputation ablaze with more and more blunders, which now come as naturally to him as evil and insurrection. People are noticing.

So many people are noticing in fact that I truly am surprised we haven’t seen SOS signals from the Trump camp yet. Perhaps they’re on their way. Even CNN is talking about it. On Monday morning, on CNN THIS MORNING, Manu Raju, Jesse Hunt, and Kate Bedingfield spoke candidly and forcefully about the convicted felon’s cognitive issues.

Raju — “I mean, look, I’m. We all make mistakes, but you know, you do it when you ridicule the cognitive ability of your opponent. That’s different.”

Kate: “My dear friend whose name I can’t remember or accurately repeat while I’m trying to dunk on Joe Biden.”

“I mean, it’s just embarrassing.”

The panel also spoke of how presidential Biden looked on the world stage at the G7. Then David Frum weighed in with the best line of the show: “Any one of us who’ve been to a county fair. And we can see that Donald Trump is not a prize heifer.”

No he’s not. It appears the livestock has left the barn and its brain has started to droop significantly. This was a meaningful discussion, and the panel made many valid points. Donald Trump’s cognitive decline has now “broken mainstream.” It’s gone viral, and it’s out in the world for all to see.

You know they say a picture tells a thousand words. So does A speech. A speech can speak to the story of the one pouring out the words. Donald Trump is telling a story with his multiple gaffes.

He’s telling an important story that has the potential to ruin him, to battle-scar him, rattle, slam, and destroy his whole presidential campaign — what little there is of it.

Donald Trump is the best messenger there is to tell this story of how the winds of cognitive decline came to him, wrapped themselves around him, and proceeded to blow away any chance he had of ever being taken seriously again.

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