No need to go soft now

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I woke up a bit late on Friday to fully take in the way that the media is treating Thursday’s last-minute verdict on the former guy. There’s still a lot of celebrating going on, and that’ll probably be further realized on Friday night, with an affirmative answer to the question of whether or not there’s accountability for Donald Trump committing crimes. However, the media’s own reception of what happened has been somewhat muted. This isn’t quite unexpected, as it’s difficult to really say what a Trump conviction means for how much the media can uplift his disastrous 2024 campaign the same way they did over the last nine years. (Yes, it’s really been that long.)

The usual huffing from conservatives was always going to be there, but then you have the sideline “moderates” who are trying to make a case of “Sure, the trial was sound, but should this have been the right thing to convict Trump over?” (As though the media wasn’t making noise about Stormy Daniels bringing Trump down way back in 2018.) This is actually a quiet way of trying to whitewash the considerable damage Donald Trump has done to the country.

This conviction proves that election interference is wrong and should be – as you shouldn’t be allowed to have fixers in the media cover up a potentially damaging story – and this is exactly what happened to Donald Trump. While we’re celebrating, we shouldn’t feel the need to go soft on our own position – it’s positions like this that we need to push back against as hard as we can. It’s yet another reason to keep Donald Trump from ever returning to power.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!