Nikki Haley is in freefall

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Remember a couple years ago, when Nikki Haley took a job in the Trump regime then resigned amid scandal, and then the entire mainstream media insisted she’d just vaulted herself into presidential contention, but I said her relevance had just ended? Sure enough, she’s now essentially reduced to trolling on Twitter in the hope of getting occasional (and mostly negative) attention, such as when she managed to get her name trending yesterday by making a fool of herself.

I’m not Nostradamus. Not all of my predictions are correct. I only look like Nostradamus compared to the media and pundit class, because most of them have no interest in getting these things right. Their takes and predictions are largely based on whatever they think will drive ratings in the moment, not on how they think things will actually play out.

Haley did have a potential future in Republican politics, until she resigned as Governor of South Carolina and instead took a job in the Trump regime. Huge mistake. She was always going to get squeamish and resign the minute Trump’s corruption got near her. But by then it was going to be too late. You can’t go halfway to the dark side. It was over for her then.

But the media always felt it could get huge ratings out of her if she ever credibly ran for President. So even when she resigned from the Trump regime and her career ended, one MSNBC host after another spent the day insisting she was just getting started. But the media’s hype was nothing more than wishful thinking – just as Haley’s future political hopes are now nothing more than wishful thinking.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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