Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen tries novel approach to stop Donald Trump’s concentration camps
Senator Jacky Rosen of Nevada has only been in office six months, hardly the time to become a household name, but she’s already using her newfound power to make a difference for the better. On Friday, she announced her decision to block two of Donald Trump’s new nominees for positions in the Department of Homeland Security. Rosen refuses to confirm either Chad F. Wolf or Troy D. Edgar until the quality of life in the border detention camps improves drastically, she said in a statement – condemning the overcrowding at the El Paso Del Norte Processing Center.
From the time the Trump administration acknowledged its mission to separate as many families at the border as possible, the news has continued to grow more horrifying by the day. Reports range from children forced to wear soiled clothes for days, deprived of soap and toothbrushes, to even being ordered to drink toilet water by guards. Serious crimes are being committed against humanity in our names, which could severely impact the reputation of America abroad for years to come.
Until a nongovernmental third party is allowed to inspect the facilities and report satisfactory conditions, Rosen refuses to confirm Wolf, nominated for strategy and policy, or Edgar, tapped to be the chief financial officer. Her move may not sound like much. But as reports of abuse break every day, even as the Senate adjourns for a nine day recess, her fellow senators will be faced with the same decision – not only the Democrats but particularly Republicans facing re-election next year, who will have to explain why they continued to ignore the atrocities.
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James Sullivan is the assistant editor of Brain World Magazine and an advocate of science-based policy making