Night two of Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention has somehow turned out to be even worse

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Last night we had to sit through Donald Trump Jr frantically crying and Kimberly Guilfoyle psychotically screaming, and those weren’t even necessarily the two most embarrassing speeches of the evening. So was it somehow possible that night two of the Republican National Convention could end up being even worse? Turns out the answer is yes.

For instance, Republican Senator Rand Paul told so many lies during his speech, Rachel Maddow had to do an on-air fact check on MSNBC immediately afterward. Then another speaker told so many lies about women’s reproduction issues, Maddow literally had to explain what birth control is. It was that nightmarish.

Somewhere in there, Pam Bondi give a 100% fictional speech about Joe Biden’s supposed corruption. As a reminder, when Bondi was the Attorney General of Florida, she took a campaign bribe from Donald Trump and then let him off the legal hook in the Trump University scandal. And after Bondi was done ranting about nepotism tonight, the very next speech came from Trump’s daughter. Her speech was a reminder that Tiffany Trump is no better than anyone else in her worthless family.

We still have to sit through a speech from Eric Trump, whom we learned this week is caught up in a New York Attorney General investigation into the Trump Organization’s financial crimes. We also have to sit through a speech from Melania Trump, but because we already heard Michelle Obama speak last week, we probably already know what Melania is going to say.

This Republican National Convention is just awful – and not just in the sense that it’s evil, but in the sense that it’s not going to help Donald Trump one bit. His deranged base may be loving this filth, but they’re a shrinking breed. The polls keep showing that Trump’s base alone isn’t large enough to win it for him. Trump needs voters who are on the fence, and he keeps bulldozing the fence. If we focus on voter registration and turnout and volunteering, we’ll win this.

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