Night of the living zombies

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It always seems like the skies are howling when a Trump rally comes to town. And on Friday night in the state of North Carolina, it was no different. Trump’s rallies lately have come to resemble writhing, angry snake-pits with dismal and ominous music playing and odd finger salutes made into the empty air above. It was no different this evening.

The music played, the traitor spoke, and his subjects listened with rapture. Only there appeared to be a little problem this night. As the Trump acolytes solemnly pointed their fingers toward the sky, some were approached by what seemed to be security who were telling them to put their hands down.

The security moved smoothly through the crowds, threading their way to angry Trump supporters and explaining that they should lower their hands. This made the people furious. This is a violation of my constitutional rights, one Trump supporter yelled.

Several at the rally also confirmed that the strange salute was indeed a way to pay homage to QAnon. “Where we go one, we go all” was what the symbol meant. This was confirmed by PBS News Hour Lisa Desjardens.

Trump’s rallies are always chilling and rather zombie-like, but this particular one was notable because the monsters turned on their creator — or at least on his security.

These salutes have often been likened to Nazi salutes. They’re disgusting. And perhaps because of all the flack Trump’s been getting in the media, his team decided to try to tamp things down.

If that was their goal, they failed miserably. We still saw some of these godawful salutes, and we also saw temper tantrums from Maga, who appeared furious at being told what to do.

All of this makes me wonder about the cult members. What did they do before Trump? How did they get through their days? And HOW will they bear it when the one they worship so bountifully is marched to prison?

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