Nice try, Madison Cawthorn

On the dark night that was Trump’s hate rally in North Carolina this past weekend, Rep. Madison Cawthorn was there. Cawthorn actually spoke at the festival of freaks. And what he said was quite frightening.
Cawthorn promised that if the Republicans were put back into power by the American people, they would make sure President Biden was impeached and Dr. Fauci was jailed. Of course, neither of these things will ever happen, but it’s good red meat to throw one’s shrinking base, is it not?
Cawthorn may not even be in Congress in 2023. He has little money, few friends, and is a pariah. This did not stop him from his lies, however. Cawthorn is an arrogant fool and likely will do or say anything that keeps Maga on his side.
The reality is Biden will not be impeached. In fact. Kevin McCarthy has just thrown cold water on THAT idea — and McCarthy doesn’t throw cold water on much. Neither will Fauci go to prison because he has done nothing wrong. Threatening to jail one’s opponents is the GOP way. In reality, this is learned behavior.
It’s likely the GOP would not have spoken like this before Trump. But Trump really did teach them so much.
It’s a myth that the GOP EVER intended to stop Trump from telling his more outrageous lies or turn their backs on him.
What so many get wrong is that they think Trump’s behavior horrifies the GOP.
I don’t. I think for many, Trump’s descent to the Presidency didn’t horrify people like Graham, like Hawley, like Paul — it REVEALED them.
Trump opened the box of Pandora, emptied out its contents, and invited his mewling Senators and Congresspeople to catch the poison that dropped from it. And they did — eagerly. They studied Trump — carefully scrutinizing his playbook.
It’s not that they wanted to shy away from him — many, in fact, likely wanted to be him. These are the mini-Trumps, the little nests of Republican vipers that have sprung up all over the country. Cawthorn is one of the biggest vipers. His words were all talk, as is most of what Republicans say.