Nice try Donald Trump

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Donald Trump’s team says he was only joking about his weekend craziness, which involved him suggesting using the plot from the film The Purge as a way to stop crime. It was all a joke, his team insists! Just kidding! No, it wasn’t. This was not a joke. It was Trump being his raw, psycho self. Occasionally, he lets America have full access to the horror movie that is his psyche, and this was one of those times.

In many cases, ‘just kidding’ is a euphemism for the truth, especially when it comes to malignant narcissists. Just kidding is their touchstone. It’s what they use to get themselves out of self-created messes. It’s how abusers work. It’s how the abusive mind works. Just kidding.

No, he was not. Donald Trump, I suspect, loves violence. He sure loved the violence on J-6th, as reportedly he watched mesmerized by all of the mayhem. Just kidding.

A criminal is a criminal is a criminal. This is who Donald Trump is. When he said what he said, he wasn’t joking. He was telling all of us in advance, the way sociopathic people often do, just what he has in store. Just kidding. Donald Trump is a child at heart, a child of the troubled night, a cold and dank conscienceless stranger to whom a thirst for violence comes as naturally as love and joy come to most people — sane people.

Just kidding. No, he was not. Donald John Trump never EVER kids about anything. His wretched lips never stretch into smiles — unless the joke’s on some poor sucker, he just conned out of big handfuls of cash.

I was only kidding.

Trump’s rhetoric is macabre. He would not know the first thing about having a sense of humor. His campaign must understand this and is doing damage control once again.


Let us not kid. Let us do our own purge — let’s purge the country of Maga by VOTING THEM ALL OUT — by saying no way to all of MAGA and relegating them to the trash heap of history.

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