New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been criminally indicted

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been criminally indicted by a grand jury in a federal corruption probe, according to the New York Times. It’ll be up to a trial jury to decide whether Adams’ corrupt acts meet the legal burden for criminal conviction. But if you’ve been following the Adams saga, his corrupt acts are certainly more than enough to disqualify him from holding office. He’s also been an absolutely terrible mayor for New York. Through one grift after another, he’s left the city far worse than he found it.

So this is very simple: Eric Adams needs to immediately resign and get out of politics. I don’t give him any special consideration for being a Democrat. Unlike the other side, we Democrats try to hold our own accountable. Adams needs to go.

See how easy that is, Republicans? How long did you stand behind George Santos even after you knew he was corrupt? How long have you continued to stand behind Donald Trump even now that he’s been criminally convicted?

We’ll now see Democratic leaders up and down the board calling for Eric Adams to resign (in fact some have already). He may try to trade his resignation for some kind of leniency, so getting rid of him may not be immediate, but we’re going to get rid of him.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that both parties are the same. When the Democrats learn that one of their own is corrupt, they try to get rid of that person. When the Republicans learn that one of their own is corrupt, they nominate that person for President.