Confirmed: New York Attorney General Letitia James is targeting Donald Trump for his financial crimes

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It turns out it’s not just the Manhattan District Attorney who’s investigating Donald Trump for his financial crimes committed in New York City over the years. In a new court filing, New York Attorney General Letitia James is also investigating Trump for artificially inflating the value of his properties in order to obtain loans, which is a felony.

This is a big deal because it further underscores that New York State is in the process of criminally indicting Donald Trump, and that he’s absolutely going to be arrested and put in prison if he loses the election. Notably, these new court filings – obtained by the Washington Post – reveal that the New York Attorney General is seeking to force an interview with Eric Trump, though it’s not clear if Eric is considered a criminal target or merely a witness.

In any case, these crimes tie directly back to the public testimony that Michael Cohen gave to Congress last year. Cohen accused Donald Trump of fraudulently obtaining bank loans among other financial crimes. At the time, Cohen claimed he had documentation to prove it, and we presume he gave that documentation to New York prosecutors. Notably, Michael Cohen’s tell-all book about the Trump crime family is now being released.

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