New scandal for Judge Aileen Cannon

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Judge Aileen Cannon, from the very beginning, has shown herself to be a craven Trump suck-up, a hooded fish swimming in the choppy, gray ocean of Trump bias with no inclination to come out of the murky waters.

This has resulted in endless ridicule and laughter at the woman’s incompetence. It has also earned her more than 1,000 court complaints seeking her removal from the classified document case.

Hundreds of complaints are drenching the Cannon court, marring her in a sea of paper. CNBC says: “The complaints against Judge Aileen Cannon have come to light amid renewed criticism by some legal observers that she is slow-walking the criminal case against the former president to ensure it does not go to trial before the presidential election.”

Many of these complaints are a desperate plea to the 11th circuit, urging them to intervene and assign a different judge to oversee the high-stakes criminal classified documents case. Chief Judge William Pryor, in a statement on the appeal court’s website, acknowledged the complaints but clarified that he currently lacks the authority to remove Judge Cannon from the case.

He does. In order for that to even be considered, the motion would have to be brought by Jack Smith’s team. I have no doubt that once they have ALL their ducks in a row, they will proceed to do just that. In the meantime, however, it’s nice to know this is happening. I am pretty certain Judge Cannon isn’t exactly walking on sunshine with this news.No, she likely is not happy at at all seeing that masses of people cannot stand her.

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