Donald Trump’s new nightmare

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

“President” Donald Trump’s approval rating is dropping like a proverbial rock. If Trump has read his polls lately, he has seen that his favorite poll — Rasmussen — has some bad news for him. His approval rating has fallen to a two-time low of 42%, matching his lowest rating since January 22, 2018. Poor little Trump. He will soon be Tweeting that Rasmussen is flawed in some way.

The most telling part of this poll is that it represents a four-point drop in less than a week. The numbers will continue to tumble as more Americans get fed up with Trump’s incessant lies and attacks. The Rasmussen poll also reveals that only 30% “strongly approve” of the job Trump is (not) doing while 47% “strongly disapprove.” These numbers, according to the Hill, give Trump a net rating of -17, his largest negative rating since January 2019. Even some of Trump’s fellow Republicans disapprove of his conspiracy theory regarding the death of Lori Klausutis, especially considering her husband’s heartfelt pleas for him to stop. Trump just does not get it that only his shrinking base approves of his hatred. As if this news is not bad enough for Trump, other polls show Joe Biden leaving him in the dust.

A new national survey conducted by Firehouse Strategies-Optimus shows Biden up 11 points over Trump at 54% to 43%. This same poll had Biden up 51% to 43% in March, revealing that while Biden’s support is growing, Trump’s support has stagnated. Hopefully, this poll will soon show Trump’s numbers where they belong—in the toilet. The same lead was shown in Quinnipiac University’s poll from last week, though RealClearPolitics has Biden’s average lead at 5.5 points. We will take that, as it is above the margin of error, and Biden still has plenty of time to grow that average. Considering how much more presidential Biden comes across, that should not be too difficult. After Ahmaud Arbery was murdered, Biden decisively called for an investigation while Trump said that he would rely on lawmakers in Georgia to sort things out, who are the very people that allowed this travesty to continue. Governor Kemp had to appoint Georgia AG Chris Carr to the case before anything was done. Similarly, Biden is calling for an investigation into the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.

The disparities in our country are no better illustrated than by these incidents, which include the police attacking unarmed Floyd protesters with tear gas while allowing armed white supremacists to storm our nation’s capitols around the country in protest of coronavirus precautions. These incidents reveal that something is very wrong in our country. Donald Trump certainly is not going to do anything about any of this. Indeed, Trump’s inflammatory, racist speech is at the root of the problem. We need the right man in the White House in 2021, and that man is Joe Biden. It is time for a change—past time. Let us all unite to end behavior that does nothing but bring shame to our country. We can make that happen in November.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer