New Jersey Governor bans Matt Gaetz from state, calls him “Matt Putz”

For some reason, last night the New York Young Republican Club held an indoor, maskless, close quartered event in New Jersey. Even more inexplicably, Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida was apparently in attendance.
Let’s just say that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy isn’t happy about it. Murphy held a press conference and called out Matt Gaetz for his participation, referring to him as “Matt Putz” in the process. While it’s not clear how legally enforceable this is, Murphy also banned Gaetz from New Jersey. No really. Watch the video:
Meanwhile, Matt Gaetz – who was previously seen wearing an oversized gas mask on the House floor – still seems to think that all of this is funny. Gaetz tweeted this at Murphy: “You’re gonna regret this tweet when you move to Florida like the rest of New Jersey.” That’s right, there are a quarter million dead Americans and counting in this pandemic, and Gaetz thinks this is funny.