New interview goes disastrously for Matt Gaetz

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This is an important article. It’s important because of the person whom the article is about. NOT Matt Gaetz — Matt is merely the hapless guinea pig who became a live-on-air joke. But I want to speak of Bob Solarski. Bob Solarski — remember that name. Why? Because it is people like him who will help us win the 2022 midterms.

WEAR ABC 3 is a news station in Florida. Solarski is an anchor — a very good one. And Gaetz was doing an interview with him. This was probably not a very good idea, but Gaetz is not exactly known for listening to reason.

In a live broadcast, Solarski did something remarkable — something that ALL journalists need to do in the midterms. He fact-checked Gaetz in real-time. Gaetz was going on in that simple-minded way that folks like Gaetz tend to do. He was insisting President Biden, and the Democrats stole the election of 2020. Uh-oh.

Then, like a watchful panther, Solarski pounced: “So, you’re still maintaining the 2020 election was stolen?” Gaetz began to talk of the actual 2020 Presidential winner — Donald Trump. Solarsky did another remarkable thing — he cut Gaetz off.

“You can’t say that without saying there was a gigantic conspiracy across this country in supervisor of elections’ offices to make this happen, and we haven’t still seen any evidence that proves that,” said Solarski.

Then Gaetz offered an idiotic response. Judges were too afraid to REALLY look at the evidence. I must stop here to marvel: WHAT could these Judges possibly be afraid of? The Democrats? Joe Biden? In any event, it was an interview to remember. I want to thank Solarski and hope that we have people like him as Moderators.

This is going to be so important. Having the right moderators can make or break a debate. And as we’ve seen with Solarski and Gaetz having the right interviewer indeed broke this conversation– and made Gaetz once again the fool of the hour.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,058 to continue the fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.