New fallout from January 6th attack

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We now know why the never-before-seen footage from January 6 was suddenly released. Republicans drummed up yet another useless investigation to invalidate the findings of the House Select Committee. As usual, instead of proving wrongdoing, they end up embarrassing themselves. According to Politico, the video was provided by HBO in response to a request by Republicans, who are looking to undermine the findings of the Committee. Republicans, once again, show us what they do best: waste time and money investigating investigations. They are doing nothing for the people who sent them to Washington. Instead, they spend time on bills to protect Donald Trump, trying to rein in Marjorie Taylor Greene, and useless investigations.

Politico reported that the footage was shot by Alexandra Pelosi, who is Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. HBO used it in a documentary, and Alexandra used it in her own documentary. We also found out that not only Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were trying to get help to the Capitol, but Mitch McConnell was with them, trying to coordinate a military response. Yet, Trump calls this a “protest.” Apparently, it was much more than that since McConnell thought the military needed to be involved. We will never know what it was like to be in the Capitol that day, but we damned sure know what it wasn’t. Politico reported that the three also considered reconvening Congress at the military base to continue the certification process. The actions of Trump’s goons stopped nothing. The election has been proven safe over and again, and Congressional leaders were determined to certify the vote and get on with the business of the people.

Capitol security expected trouble to be limited to street brawls and the like. Once Trump promised to join them at the Capitol, the crowd swelled out of nowhere, and Capitol security knew they were screwed. They called for the National Guard first, and they said it took over three hours for them to arrive. As detailed in an earlier article, the National Guard was livid. After the fact, they let Ryan McCarthy have it, as they said he was completely unresponsive. McCarthy and Defense Secretary Chris Miller claimed they had a miscommunication about deployment, and two of the National Guardsmen said that had Trump done something, things would have been different.

Mayor Bowser, with whom Schumer and Pelosi spoke around 3:30 p.m. told them: “I thought there was some resistance from the secretary of the Army.” Just think: all these people were trying to get help, and they were stymied by the secretary of the Army who said he had to “ask his boss.” The new footage clearly shows that, in contrast to what Republicans have tried to portray, Pelosi had nothing to do with the security breakdown. In fact, it shows her and Schumer trying to get these people to move their asses and get some help on site. Yet, Republicans continue to waste taxpayer money and time, trying to find something that Democratic leadership did wrong. This is merely another dud from a Congress that is little more than a dud itself.

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