Donald Trump needs to go down, and they all need to go down with him

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

No jury has ever been held criminally liable for delivering an incompetent, inept, or stupid verdict that resulted in the defendant committing additional crimes. Jurors are legally allowed to be idiots. But they’re not allowed to conspire with the defendant to deliver a rigged acquittal. In fact jurors go to prison for this.

This brings us to the reality that when Donald Trump was impeached in the House and then placed on trial in the Senate, every single one of the hundred jurors knew for 100% certain that he was guilty. Further, they all knew that he would commit more crimes if they didn’t convict and remove him. Yet fifty-two Republican Senators voted to acquit him anyway.

These “jurors” weren’t merely being incompetent or foolish. They acquitted Donald Trump because they wanted to curry favor with him. Several of them are up for reelection this year, and they were hoping that Trump would help campaign for them. They acquitted a guilty man for corrupt reasons, and that should make them criminally liable for the mass murder that he’s now psychotically committing in America.

It’s not going to happen. But every single Republican Senator not named “Mitt Romney” should be facing criminal charges when this is over. They corruptly conspired with a guilty man to set him free, and now he’s murdered thousands of people. We may not be able to put them in prison, but we’ll spend the rest of our lives making damn sure they lose their Senate seats. Every one of them is up for reelection in the next few years.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can