Nancy Pelosi slam dunks Donald Trump after his disastrous press conference

The President of the United States has been potentially exposed to a deadly contagious virus, and now he’s refusing to tell us if he’s even been tested for it. Donald Trump’s press conference today was a disaster for the ages, even by his standards, and it raises questions about – well – everything.
After Donald Trump’s press conference debacle, CNN’s Manu Raju caught up with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and had this exchange:
Asked Pelosi if she thinks Trump should be tested after his interactions with Doug Collins and Matt Gaetz.
Pelosi: “Tested for what?”
me: coronavirus
Pelosi: “Oh, I thought he should be tested for a long time now.”
And she walked off— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 9, 2020
The coronavirus crisis is a serious matter, of course. But Donald Trump is refusing to take any of it seriously. Questions about his own potential exposure, and his refusal to say if he’s been tested for it, can only serve to place more pressure on him to finally take the crisis seriously. By mocking him, Pelosi is skillfully steering more attention onto that topic.