Nancy Pelosi rips “impostor” Donald Trump to pieces

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On Friday, Donald Trump took a major, risky, villainous, and frankly stupid swing and miss at Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. He viciously lashed out at her on Twitter while she was testifying about his crimes during televised impeachment hearings. This represented felony witness intimidation on Trump’s part, and it played particularly poorly for him in the court of public opinion.

After Donald Trump finished swinging and missing and punching himself in the face, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi proceeded to pile on. She taped an interview with CBS Face The Nation, which is set to air this Sunday. CBS has posted a few choice quotes from Pelosi online, including this particularly devastating one:

He should not frivolously throw out insults, but that’s what he does. I think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter. I think he knows full well that he’s in that office way over his head. And so he has to diminish everyone else.

That says it all, really. What we find notable here is that Nancy Pelosi is choosing to hit the Sunday morning talk show circuit herself in order to drive home the message to the American people that Donald Trump is in over his head. The Speaker of the House is calling the President of the United States an “impostor” and that’s no small thing. But when the President is committing felony witness intimidation during his own impeachment, it has to be called out in the most forceful of terms.

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