Nancy Pelosi slam dunks Donald Trump over Kirstjen Nielsen debacle

Just how deranged of an anti-immigrant extremist do you have to be for someone like Kirstjen Nielsen, who has been kidnapping immigrant children and locking them in cages, to decide that you’re too much of an extremist? That’s the question that Donald Trump is now facing in the wake of Nielsen’s departure. It turns out Speaker Nancy Pelosi has the answer.
Kirstjen Nielsen felt that Donald Trump has become “increasingly unhinged” about immigration, according to a CNN report. This ostensibly means that Trump is now looking to do something to immigrants that’s even more evil than stealing kids and putting them in concentration camps. Now that Nielsen is out, we can surely expect House Democrats to call on her to publicly testify about why she left, and what Trump is truly planning.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi quickly released a statement after news surfaced about the details of Nielsen’s exit. Pelosi said precisely what most Americans are thinking right now: “It is deeply alarming that the Trump Administration official who put children in cages is reportedly resigning because she is not extreme enough for the White House’s liking. The President’s dangerous and cruel anti-immigrant policies have only worsened the humanitarian suffering at the border and inflicted vast suffering on the families who have been torn apart.”
Nancy Pelosi continued: “The Trump Administration’s increasingly toxic anti-immigrant policies were resoundingly rejected by the American people in the midterm election. America needs a Homeland Security Secretary who will respect the sanctity of families, honor our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants, and restore sanity to this Administration’s policies.”