Nancy Pelosi just said something important about the 2020 election

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Right now we’re seeing various Democratic 2020 presidential candidates make their big push. Supporters of each candidate are trying to explain why their first choice is the best choice, and in some instances, explain why their least favorite Democratic candidate shouldn’t be the nominee. But at the end of the day, only one thing matters – and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just reminded us of it:

There are a few things that stand out in this video. First, as Nancy Pelosi spells out, all of these Democratic candidates would make a far better president than Donald Trump. Second, as Palmer Report keeps pointing out, Pelosi is reminding everyone that Iowa and New Hampshire don’t necessarily tell us much about who’s going to be the nominee.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, Speaker Pelosi is making clear that the important part of all this is how we eventually unify behind the Democratic nominee. Sure, it’s fine for everyone to make an argument now for why they think their preferred candidate is better than the others. We don’t have to pretend that the Democratic candidates are all equally suitable. But one of them will be the nominee, and either that nominee or Donald Trump will be president for the next four years.

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