Nancy Pelosi’s reverse psychology on impeachment is already working perfectly

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The media loves nothing more than controversy, particularly when it can spin up controversy about the Democrats, so it can look “balanced” while reporting on the endless scandals emanating from Donald Trump and the Republicans. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi knows this better than anyone. It’s why she said what she said about impeachment. She knew what the media would do with it – and her plan is already working.

To be clear, Nancy Pelosi didn’t actually say she’s not going to impeach Donald Trump. She simply said she’s not going to do it right this minute, before the votes are there for removal, and that she’s going to wait for the ugliest of dirt on Trump to surface first. In reality, with the Mueller report forthcoming, and Trump’s criminal scandals getting worse by the day, Pelosi’s impeachment timetable could be just a few months or even weeks away.

That didn’t stop the media from falsely claiming that Pelosi said she’ll never impeach Trump. After all, this kind of misleading reporting is an easy way to get the Democrats, and the anti-Trump resistance in general, angry at Pelosi – and that’s great for ratings and page views. But Pelosi doesn’t care about that, because as major media outlets trip over each other in the race to criticize her over this, they’re making the case for impeachment in the process.

Just this morning, NBC News published the latest article arguing for the swift impeachment of Donald Trump, if only as a way of dinging Nancy Pelosi. Numerous other major news outlets have done the same. They’re doing her work for her, by convincing the general public that Trump needs to be ousted. It’s why she said what she said; she’s playing the media game like a fiddle.

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