Donald Trump runs and hides after Nancy Pelosi drops the hammer on him

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Yesterday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that she was moving ahead with articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. This means we’re moving past the “impeachment inquiry” phase and are now instead moving into what you might call actual impeachment. In response, Donald Trump is predictably running and hiding.

Nancy Pelosi and the House gave Donald Trump until today to decide whether he and his administration are going to participate in the House Judiciary Committee impeachment proceedings. Pelosi phrased it this way: “Anything they have that is exculpatory, this is their moment. But they have a consciousness of guilt, and that’s why they may not show up. We’ll see. Maybe they will. They have until 5:00 today.”

You could tell from Pelosi’s phrasing that she didn’t expect Trump to take her up on the offer. Sure enough, at the deadline, the Trump administration announced that it’s not going to participate, and that the impeachment process should magically end instead. We checked just now, and despite Trump’s attempt at waving a magic wand and making impeachment go away, impeachment is still very much happening.

Now that Donald Trump has made his choice, House Democrats have been handed a major talking point. At every turn during the impeachment process, they’ll point out that they gave Trump the option of showing up and defending himself, or sending his own lawyers to defend him, and that he instead refused to participate at all. Trump is afraid of Pelosi and everyone knows it.

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