Nancy Pelosi slam dunks idiot who made up fake scandal about her

As Team Trump circles the drain, it seems the only thing left up their sleeve is a series of increasingly transparent fake scandals about Donald Trump’s adversaries. Even as Trump and Rudy Giuliani promote a fake scandal about 2020 candidate Joe Biden, Trump’s surrogates are promoting even more absurd fake scandals.

Pro-Trump idiots Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl just keep finding ways to come up with the most ridiculous “scandals” possible. They’ve targeted everyone from Robert Mueller to Pete Buttigieg to Elizabeth Warren, with predictably humiliating results each time. Undeterred by the fact that they’ve turned into national punchlines, Burkman and Wohl decided to target Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is currently leading the impeachment process against Donald Trump.

The two stooges issued a press release announcing that they’re planning to hold a “press conference with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s former drug dealer.” They asserted that this dealer supplied Pelosi with a “constant cocktail of illicit narcotics.” When you make up a fake scandal like this, it’s not a laughing matter. That said, Nancy Pelosi decided to fire back and remind everyone that these two guys are indeed punchlines.

Nancy Pelosi quoted Burkman’s tweet about the supposed drug dealer, and she added this: “MEDIA ALERT: They’ve found Mr. Ghirardelli, Ben and Jerry, and Grandmother See from See’s Candies.” In the ten seconds it took Pelosi to type out the tweet, she laid waste to these two goons. We can’t wait to see what she ends up doing to Donald Trump. Hint: she’s previously said that she wants to put him in prison.

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