“My dog ate my whistleblower” – House Republicans are left with no one minding the store

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

House Republicans are now pretending they have a whistleblower against President Joe Biden who has gone missing, with the clear implication being that this witness was somehow “disappeared” by Biden. House Republicans are making a huge mistake by pandering solely to their lunatic base like this. It gains them zero votes in 2024 that they didn’t already have. It’s a classic losing strategy.

If you’re going to make up fake scandals about your opponent, you have to pick fake scandals that persuadable voters near the middle could actually believe and fall for. Otherwise you’re wasting your time.

But these House Republicans aren’t really trying to win, are they? The ones in far right districts hype this lunacy because it helps them back home. But it only hurts the Republicans’ prospects of defeating Biden or winning the House majority in 2024. The Republicans calling the shots in the House are only in it for their own personal benefit, and they don’t care about the Republican Party’s prospects overall. And Kevin McCarthy is too weak to force any of them to focus on the party’s greater good.

If you ever start to see House Republicans pushing the kinds of phony Biden scandals that the average moderate mainstream American might fall for, it’ll be time to be concerned. But this “my dog ate my whistleblower” stuff is only helping the prospects of Biden and the Democrats in 2024.

There is no equivalent to these idiots on the Democratic side. But House Democrats from far left districts and moderate districts do want different kinds of messaging, and it always falls on a House leader Nancy Pelosi or Hakeem Jeffries to get them all to work together for the party’s greater good.

Republican House leadership faces a more difficult (perhaps impossible) task, because its dealing with lunatics and criminals run amok, not mere ideological differences. But the Republican House has no leadership at all. So even if it were manageable, it’s not being managed. It’s how House Republicans have ended up with something as embarrassing as “my dog ate my whistleblower” as their tentpole messaging. There’s no one on their side who’s in a position to keep these kinds of mistakes from being made.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.