Donald Trump goes on bizarre rant about a cartoon character

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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This morning Donald Trump finally figured out how to post a multi-part Twitter post as one long thread, instead of manually posting the parts one tweet at a time. If you’re not sure what that means, don’t worry, because neither does he. It turns out he doesn’t really know how the feature works, because he’s since spent all afternoon accidentally posting a bunch of unrelated tweets in one big long thread. So it’s fitting that by the end of the thread, he was angrily ranting about Mr. Magoo. Remarkably, now claims he doesn’t know who Mr. Magoo is.

Somehow, this is all really happening. Trump spent the morning ranting about a “drunk/drugged up loser” while giving away that he’s worried Michael Cohen is going to flip on him. He then went on to tweet about everything from James Comey to Sylvester Stallone. Eventually Trump turned his anger toward a newspaper report which details the juvenile nicknames he’s come up with for Department of Justice officials behind the scenes.

Here’s what Trump tweeted: “The Washington Post said I refer to Jeff Sessions as “Mr. Magoo” and Rod Rosenstein as “Mr. Peepers.” This is “according to people with whom the president has spoken.” There are no such people and don’t know these characters…just more Fake & Disgusting News to create ill will!” To be clear, Trump now appears to be making the argument that he’s never heard of the cartoon character Mr. Magoo, which is remarkable considering that everyone his age has heard of Mr. Magoo.

So this is where we’re at. The “President” of the United States is vociferously arguing that he’s never heard of a popular cartoon character, as if this is somehow a matter of national security. Next he’ll be tweeting that he’s never heard of Vladimir Putin either.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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