Donald Trump makes surreal remark about his mother, gives something away

We need to raise $705 to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate what you can.

As Donald Trump’s gradual descent into senility continues, he keeps losing more of his filter. This happens to plenty of people who experience cognitive decline. The trouble for Trump in particular is that he’s a deranged sociopath and his entire life is a lie, so when he starts unwittingly blurting out the truth here and there, it can end up being particularly revealing.

For instance, Donald Trump was asked today about Mother’s Day. He ended up going on a surreal rant about his own mother: “I couldn’t to anything wrong, which is a big problem. Maybe that’s why I ended up the way I ended up. I don’t know. I couldn’t do any wrong in her eyes.” No really, he said this.

That’s right, Trump just said that he is the way his because his mom raised him wrong, and that it’s a “big problem.” This is unreal, coming from a guy who has spent his entire life outwardly pretending he’s the greatest at everything, and that he can do no wrong.

Donald Trump appears to have just given away that he really does sit around all day thinking negative thoughts about himself, well aware there’s something very wrong with him, and trying to figure out how to rationalize it away. He’s just always kept that to himself, and has instead projected an overtly confident and arrogant outward persona. Now that his mind is slipping and he’s losing his filter, look for him to start blurting out more things like this going forward.

We need to raise $705 to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate what you can.