“Moscow Mitch” McConnell has a whole new problem

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If perhaps only because Donald Trump’s cascading scandals end up dominating so much of the news cycle, Mitch McConnell somehow managed to disappear off the radar this week after having been the center of controversy for a number of reasons last week. But don’t worry, because despite his best effort at disappearing, Mitch is back front and center – and he’s got a whole new problem.

If you’ve been wondering what Stacey Abrams is going to do in 2020, we now have a big chunk of the answer. She’s not running for president, and instead she’s launching an effort called “Fair Fight 2020” which will seek to combat voter suppression in the upcoming election. This isn’t some mere theoretical exercise, either.

Stacey Abrams kicked off her initiative with a major speech yesterday, and then last night she appeared on the Rachel Maddow show to discuss what she plans to do. The short answer is that she’s going to take what she learned about the Republican Party voter suppression tactics that were used against her 2018 campaign in Georgia, and use that information as a roadmap for fighting back against it across the nation in 2020. So what does this have to do with Mitch McConnell?

There’s arguably no one working harder to taint the 2020 U.S. elections than “Moscow Mitch” McConnell, who is using his position as Senate Majority Leader to block election security legislation that would otherwise pass. He’s also using his position as a Republican Party leader to organize GOP voter suppression efforts across the board. Stacey Abrams is going to be directly fighting to combat that, which means she’ll be looking to stick it to McConnell.

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