More legal trouble for former Trump election attorney Jenna Ellis

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Donald Trump’s former election attorney Jenna Ellis managed to avoid jailtime in Georgia by cutting a plea deal involving probation, leading some observers to conclude that she’d “gotten away” with her election crimes. But at the time we pointed out that for people like Ellis, the trouble was just beginning.

Now, as a result of her guilty plea, Ellis has been forced to agree to give up her license to practice law in Colorado for three years. That may feel small-time given that she’ll be on probation for the next five years anyway. But even if there is a defendant who’s so down on their luck that they want to hire Ellis to be their attorney while she’s still reporting to a probation officer, that can’t happen if the case involves Colorado.

Keep in mind that Colorado wasn’t even one of the “fake elector” states. But the crimes that Jenna Ellis committed for Donald Trump in Georgia are now causing legal trouble for her in a state on the other side of the country.

Of course this is still just a warm up act. Jenna Ellis was also recently criminally indicted in Arizona. Her existing guilty plea in Georgia, for overlapping 2020 election crimes, will almost force her to cut a similar deal in Arizona. But it’s not a given that Arizona will let her off without prison time, even if she does cooperate against the others.

For the people who are stupid enough to do Donald Trump’s criminal bidding, the legal ugliness just keeps coming. And keep in mind that Trump himself is currently sitting around waiting for a jury to convict him on thirty-four felonies. None of them are “getting away” with it.

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