More good news for Kamala Harris

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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I’ve said all along that I wouldn’t start to feel comfortable until I saw Kamala Harris pull ahead by five or six points in the national polling averages. That’s the kind of margin we need in order to make absolutely certain we overcome voter suppression tactics, certification antics, Electoral College flukes, and so on.

Going into the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris’ best polls had her ahead by five or six points, but she was only ahead by about two points in the national polling averages. That’s not enough. But with momentum on her side, there’s been every reason to expect that her numbers will continue to climb – especially if she gets a post convention bounce.

Now an interesting thing has happened. A flurry of new national polls were released on Friday that were all conducted before Kamala Harris’ convention speech. Some of the polls were conducted during the earlier days of the convention and may have been impacted by that. But these latest numbers don’t reflect Kamala’s speech at all. Which is why they’re intriguing.

These latest national polls have Kamala Harris ahead by seven points, eight points, and six points. Now these are the kinds of polls you want to see. Keep in mind that even when you plug these new polls into the existing averages, Kamala Harris is still only about four points ahead. But we’re getting closer to where we want to be.

Now we wait until early next week for the first batch of new national polls that were conducted after Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech, and we hope they push her lead even higher in the polling averages.

Better yet, let’s not wait. As Coach Walz said, we don’t have time to take days off. Between now and the next batch of poll numbers, let’s get out there and volunteer and donate and make a difference. That way, when the next batch of polls comes out, we can say that we helped make Kamala’s numbers go up, instead of just sitting back and hoping they go up.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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