More good news for Joe Biden that the media won’t talk about

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Polls are merely snapshots in time, and many are no good. This could be because of oversampling or undersampling of a specific demographic. There are so many ways in which polling can be wrong.

But that doesn’t matter to the media. On and on they go, whipping out the latest poll whenever it says Trump is in the lead. Any poll that says Biden is, is carefully hidden away. Such as this poll. The poll has President Biden leading Trump in Pennsylvania by 7.5 percentage points!

This is good news indeed. This poll also shows our Senator, Bob Casey, is also in the lead. Biden received 46.8 percent, while trump got 39.3 percent. Why am I writing about a poll showing Biden in the lead while I keep talking about how polls are not worth much because it’s too early?

I write about them, not to say they’re completely accurate. But you see, who, if not us? Who would tell you about them? Who would make you aware of these polls’ existence? I see many deflated people daily saying Trump is leading Biden in all the polls. That is not valid.

That is why I show you every Biden poll I possibly can. Not to say Biden is going to win; everything’s coming up roses. No. I do it to inform you that there are such polls because very few other media are bothering to even SPEAK of them.

When people think the polls are against a particular candidate, that amounts to a certain kind of voter suppression. People get deflated. Then, people do not come out and vote. So yes — there are MANY good Biden polls out there that say our guy is in the lead. This is but one of them.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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