More good news for Joe Biden

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It is so interesting what the media chooses to cover and what they do not. For example: a new poll is out. Have you heard about it? Probably not, since it’s great news for President Biden.

This poll, taken by The Economist and YouGov, surveys young voters about their political preferences. Young voters are supporting President Joe Biden. This poll. taken December 16-18, shows voters under 30; strongly prefer President Biden to Donald Trump.

They surveyed 1,336 registered voters. Its margin of error is plus or minus 3.2 percentage points. These young voters prefer Biden at almost 55 percent. In contrast, fewer than a quarter of respondents would choose Trump.

Now, polls this early really do not mean much, as I’ve said. But I think it is vitally important for people to know there ARE polls out there showing good news for Biden — even if many in the media do not mention them often enough. As time goes on, there will be more polls, and some will be good for Biden, and some will not be. What I will continue to do is highlight polls that so many media pundits do not even bother to mention.

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