More bad news for Matt Gaetz

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The sands are running out. The hourglass is running low — for news on Matt Gaetz. Yes, I think it is just fine to say the sands HAVE run out — because there is news — lots of news — on the high-haired Congressman.

There has been yet another sentencing delay for his former associate Joel Greenberg. Greenberg is the tax collector who has been cooperating with authorities. The sentencing has now been postponed until August. If this news frustrates you — it shouldn’t. The fact is this means the investigation is continuing and that Greenberg is likely playing an important role.

Only that’s not all. FBI records show that Matt Gaetz was, at the height of the scandal, “in chaos.” This is very different news than Gaetz would have you believe. Gaetz is constantly tweeting about how everything is just peachy.

Surely you didn’t believe that. Surely you know, dear readers, that the life of Matt Gaetz could be called many things, but peachy certainly isn’t one of them. Reportedly about fifteen minutes before Gaetz went on Tucker Carlson’s horrible show to talk about the scandal back in 2021 — all hell broke loose.

You see, FBI agents had swarmed the home of Gaetz — and he was not happy about it. “Do you have a warrant?” the pouffy-haired Non-Congressman yelled. “Do you have a warrant to be here?” This was included in the FBI report obtained by The Daily Beast.

On that particular day, the FBI was there to obtain Mattie’s cooperation in a sting operation. Now Gaetz had talked about that sting — and had said his family approached the FBI. But these documents show that is untrue. Does this surprise anyone?

For example, Gaetz had claimed that his family contacted the FBI after attempts at being extorted. The documents make clear that the FBI was the one who approached HIM. What do we know? Matt Gaetz was lying. His family never approached the FBI — what he said that night on Tucker’s show was garbage.

The investigation continues. Greenberg’s cooperation is more valuable than ever. Far from being cool as a cucumber, Matt Gaetz was unraveling back in 2021, and he is likely unraveling now. I’d have my last two words of this article be “The end,” but I think you know that would not be accurate. On the contrary, it would appear we haven’t even reached the middle yet.

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