Mitt Romney slam dunks Donald Trump

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Mitt Romney is the only Republican Senator who voted to convict and remove Donald Trump for his crimes, exposing the other fifty-two Republican Senators as cowards and co-conspirators. Romney has continued to periodically speak out against Trump. Now he’s taking aim at Trump’s bizarre obsession with falsely accusing Morning Joe Scarborough of murder.

Mitt Romney posted this today:


That’s the correct message, and we’re glad Romney is speaking up about it. But where are the other Republican Senators? They’ve been creepily silent about this, for fear of alienating Donald Trump, even though he’s dragging them down like an anchor. Joe Scarborough can take care of himself. But Lori Klausutis’ husband and family are private citizens.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can