Mitt Romney just tipped off how scared he and the GOP are of where Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal is headed

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By now you know the drill. A new Donald Trump criminal scandal surfaces. The Republicans in the House and Senate either dishonestly defend him, or ignore the latest scandal and hope it’ll go away. They’re too big of cowards to risk standing up to him, too partisan to risk tilting the 2020 election away from their party by criticizing the guy at the top of their party’s ticket, and too immoral to do the right thing for its own sake.

Mitt Romney, who went from failed Governor of Massachusetts, to failed Republican nominee for President, to now Senator from Utah, has consistently defined his career with two traits: he says very little of substance, and never means it anyway. Over the past year, he’s mostly just kept his head down, seemingly hoping to survive the rest of the Trump era without having to take a position on anything. But in a sign that Romney and the Republican Party are indeed worried about how much trouble this Ukraine whistleblower scandal might end up causing for Trump, and for themselves, Romney decided to stake himself to… well, something.

Romney posted this tweet this evening: “If the President asked or pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate his political rival, either directly or through his personal attorney, it would be troubling in the extreme. Critical for the facts to come out.”

To be clear, Mitt Romney deserves zero points for this. It’s far too weak on its face. And given Romney’s history, he’ll look for a way to not have to take a more substantive stand against Donald Trump unless circumstances leave him absolutely no choice. But Romney’s tweet gives away that he knows this scandal could go horribly wrong for Trump – and he’s dipping his toe into the water just in case Trump ends up going down, and he later needs to point back to (supposed) evidence that he stood against Trump early on.

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