Minutes to midnight

Palmer Report has helped fundraise more than a quarter million dollars for the Democratic candidates in the most competitive 2024 House races. We’re doing our part to win the House majority. We also stand ready to fight against every inch of election disinformation and dirty tricks that the Republicans (or the media) are planning to throw at this election down the stretch.

At this crucial time, we need you do to your part. Palmer Report needs to raise $3,000 by midnight tonight in order to keep things on track. I know we can do this, because I believe in the Palmer Report community. I need your help on this today so we can continue fighting for you and for our nation.

So let’s do this. If you all come together and contribute whatever you’re able to, we’ll be able to reach our goal by the deadline and keep fighting for American democracy. Thank you so much for doing this.

Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

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