Mike Pence just set himself on fire

Earlier today, the House impeachment inquiry sent Mike Pence a letter requesting that he turn over documents regarding his role in Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal. It was a clear sign that Democrats looking at impeaching and ousting Pence as well. Just now Mike Pence responded to the letter, and he did it in such a bizarrely idiotic manner, it’s clear that Pence’s vice presidency and life are going down the drain.

Mike Pence’s office has released this statement to the media: “Given the scope, it does not appear to be a serious request but just another attempt by the Do Nothing Democrats to call attention to their partisan impeachment.” No really, he said this. Pence just responded to a document request in an impeachment inquiry by thumbing his nose at it in juvenile fashion. What’s he doing?

Not only did Mike Pence just make a fool of himself and put more impeachment heat on himself, he also just responded in bad faith – which means that even if he fights this in court, the judge is going to look at his assholish response and rule against him. Not only did Pence just cost himself any slim shot at inheriting the presidency, he also all but ensured that he’ll go to prison once this is over.

This tells us that Mike Pence is more afraid of whatever Donald Trump might do to him than he is of going to prison. Trump must have the kind of dirt on Pence that would shatter him so badly, Pence would rather risk ending up behind bars for several years. Mike Pence just set himself on fire. House Democrats should be celebrating, because the guy just royally screwed himself.

Note: We still need to raise $300 TODAY to keep the fight going against Trump. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. We must fight back. Click here to donate what you can