Mike Pence thinks he’s got this. He doesn’t.

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As Donald Trump spends his summer vacation golfing and incriminating himself and his family in near-constant Twitter rants, Mike Pence is quietly biding his time for what he surely thinks will be his promotion to the highest seat in the land. If Pence is not an avid reader of Palmer Report, he might not already know that his ultimate goal of becoming president will never happen. Instead, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia treason gets closer to Trump’s inner circle, Pence should know that he will be moving down the ladder, not up it. At this time next year, Pence would be lucky to find himself in a job making license plates.

Unlike Trump, who lets the world know his every thought in 280 characters or less, Pence comes off as a private individual who does not wear his heart on his sleeve. However, a recent New York Times article paints Pence as the conniving zealot that he truly is: “In Pence’s view, any bite marks in his tongue are divinely ordained. Trump wouldn’t be president if God didn’t want that; Pence wouldn’t be vice president if he weren’t supposed to sanctify Trump. And his obsequiousness is his own best route to the Oval Office, which may very well be God’s grand plan.”

It is important to recall that Mueller’s investigation was well aware of Pence’s criminal activity from the very beginning. Pence was hand selected by Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort (who is currently on trial), who received his orders from the Kremlin. Pence openly lied to the American people when he stated he was unaware of Mike Flynn’s lobbying for foreign nations and his frequent contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Mike Pence is the front man for a “long line of evangelical wingnuts who want to take over America.” Pence believes that America will be so exhausted by the time we finish removing Trump from office, we will simply rejoice and celebrate that accomplishment and forget all about Pence’s own crimes. He is in for quite the surprise when America demands the removal of every single traitor at the conclusion of Mueller’s investigation.

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