Donald Trump goes berserk after Mike Pence ducks out on him

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Over the weekend the news broke that not only is Mike Pence opposed to the Louis Gohmert lawsuit aimed at handing Pence the power to magically overthrow the election, Pence now has the DOJ siding against Gohmert’s suit. Donald Trump is always the last to know about these things, but now he’s throwing a fit about it.

It’s not surprising that Pence doesn’t want to be associated with Gohmert’s deranged lawsuit. It has literally zero chance of going anywhere, as the courts can’t simply assign powers to the Vice President that the Constitution clearly doesn’t allow for. Why would Pence even want the egg on his face of being involved in such a dead-end stunt?

But Trump isn’t happy that Pence is ducking out on him, and the New York Times says that Trump is going berserk accordingly. This isn’t surprising. Trump is about to spend the rest of his life losing everything and rotting in prison. So even though the Gohmert plan to magically rescue him is laugh out loud fictional, Trump is desperate enough to want to latch onto the fantasy anyway.

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