Mike Johnson’s big empty threat

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

Something strange is happening to House “leader” Mike Johnson. That something is called insanity. Well, we HAVE seen this before, yes? Insanity seems to be catching in the shitshow that is the Republican House caucus. If there is lunacy to be caught. rest assured, the current House Speaker will catch it.

Johnson, the self-proclaimed enemy of Porn (unless it’s his cult leader sleeping with a porn star) is offering one absurd defense after another for convicted felon, Donald Trump’s actions. However, nothing seems to stick, thus causing the supposed:” leader” many headaches.

Johnson first made a fool of himself by appearing on TV airwaves and proclaiming the GOP the party of law and order, a laughable statement that’s about as realistic as the motion that the Supreme Court has any idea of what they’re doing.

Now he’s talking about defunding Jack Smith, an empty threat that, in reality, means little. There is nothing Johnson can do in that regard. Then, not content to be made a fool of so many times, Johnson did it again by claiming Donald Trump is the victim in all this, a statement that likely caused many guffaws from the American people.

Johnson is doomed to go the same route as Kevin McCarthy. This is a fate that happens to ALL Republican House Speakers. This fate is not prison, and it’s not being booted out of office. This particular fate is complete and total irrelevance.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: