Michael Cohen speaks up after Donald Trump’s felony conviction

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If Michael Cohen hadn’t started speaking the ugly truth about Donald Trump’s crimes awhile back, Trump might never have ended up on criminal trial in New York. But Cohen saw the process all the way through, from testifying to Congress, to testifying to a grand jury, to testifying in Trump’s criminal trial.

After the jury convicted Trump on all thirty-four felony charges, Michael Cohen posted this response: “Today is an important day for accountability and the rule of law. While it has been a difficult journey for me and my family, the truth always matters. I want to thank my attorneys @eDanyaPerry for her invaluable guidance and support throughout this process.”

Cohen is also set to appear on MSNBC tonight during the 8pm hour (eastern time). We imagine he’ll have plenty more to say at that point. But for now it’s clear that Cohen has been fully vindicated.

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