Mental breakdown in real time

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“Mental breakdown in real time?” In the wake of Donald Trump’s utterly disastrous press conference, the country seems stunned and many are asking numerous questions about his mental fitness and whether he can continue his campaign.

“Imploding live.” It’s not just this press conference. It was his appearance at the black media event. It was his horrible rally in Georgia. It’s EVERYTHING.

Nothing seems to be working out for the traitor. This is all part of his narcissistic collapse. Remember, as numerous Palmer Report writers have written, Trump is sick. He is deeply sick, and he cannot get better. All he can do is go down, down, down.

Still, even for him, this Thursday presser was — stunningly unhinged. Here is a bit of what some are saying. All quotes are taken as is, including typos:

“Worst meltdown in history.”

“Just quit and hand it over to Harris.”

“Oh bacon,bacon, where are you, bacon?” (I loved this comment, which I did not write but wish I had.)

“I couldn’t get past ten minutes.”

“May the coming blue Tsunami wash away all the grifters, cons and liars.”

“hey, got two Oscar Meyer bacons for $8.00 today.”

“Give him time to get crazier, we still got over 80 days.”

“PLEASE, please keep him talking.”

“It was more predictable than the weather.”

“Man, woman, FBI, trial, prison.”

“sweaty, glitchy, flaccid.”

“Yeah, i’d trust this one with the nuclear codes.”

“perhaps he’s laying the groundwork for insanity pleas?”

“where were the guys with the straight jackets?”

“read the room, Trump. Go to Russia.”

“Will the Harris campaign send him a thank you note?”

As you can see, Trump screwed up AGAIN. This is becoming a regular occurrence.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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